Monday, May 19, 2008

We have arrived in Barcelona!

Well as you can tell it is early in the morning. We just got into our hostel a short time ago. We had some flight delays but we made it to Barcelona. We got everything figured out so far. We spent Saturday morning through mid afternoon exploring Camden, literally. We were both surprised at how big and maze like it was. We were not expecting that. We had a good time checking out all the shops. There were some pretty eccentric places. We checked out No. 10 Downing Street as well. That was pretty much our day. We just chilled for the evening and tried to get some rest. This morning (technically yesterday morning) we left the court house...... yes we spent two nights in a court house. It was a court house that they turned into a hostel. It was pretty sweet actually because they most of the court rooms intact and they also left the cells intact. We weren't adventurous enough (nor did we have the money) to stay in the cells for a night. It was cool nonetheless. Well we left around 10 ish and made our way towards the train station that would take us to the airport and along the way we attended the Mattins service at St. Paul's Cathedral. The cathedral was one of the most ornate ones we have been to yet I think. It was a really good service and the murals, statues, and decorations we just amazing. After that we ended up catching some lunch at the station and hanging out there before we left for the airport were we hung out for the remainder of the afternoon before our flight. The Ryanair tickets counters experienced computer failure so we spent around a hour waiting around to check-in. Other flights almost didn't make there departure times. We had plenty of time however but our flight was still a little later than expected so it is rather late now. We will keep you up to date on how the rest of our Barcelona experience goes.

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