Sunday, April 6, 2008

Athens to Vienna to Prague

We had a good day at the Acropolis and seeing the Original Olympic Stadium. Just about the time we got that all done is started raining. During the afternoon we went geocaching in the National Gardens. We only found two microcaches of the four we were looking for. The weather played a little bit of havoc with the GPS and just walking around in the rain in general. We had a good day though a little more relaxed than a few of the other days but not quite as relaxing as the day at the beach. The rain was alright though it was cooler so it helped out the sunburns a little bit. And it continued to rain the rest of the night. We had a brief night out to eat. I had roast lamb and Anna had Mousakkas. I still am not a big fan of lamb but I thought the mousakkas wasn't bad, Anna didn't like the texture. Today we flew out of Athens after a three hour delay to Vienna. We spent an hour there and then headed right off to Prague. After a four hour train ride we arrived in Prague. It was a bit cooler and it had been raining off and on but it was still nice. We have settled in for the night at a really nice hostel, probably the best one of the whole trip. Which is nice because it is towards the end and we appreciate it more now. Tomorrow we will be seeing Prague and then heading for Berlin tomorrow night and then "home" to Bangor on Wednesday. Enjoy the new pictures that are up!!

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