Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First week back

Well we are over half way through our first week back. I am done with one of my classes and the other we have started reviewing for the final exam. Anna's classes have been going well and she still has reading to do for most of them. There hasn't been a whole lot going on really. We have been reading a lot and have been enjoying the amazing weather we have been having. It has been really warm and it hasn't rained hardly at all since we got back and we have been able to just wear light jackets all day. Spring is on its way because all the trees and bushes are budding and some of them are blooming even. I believe that Anna and I are going sailing tomorrow for outdoor pursuits which should definitely be a great time. It is supposed to be a little colder which won't matter too much as long as we don't end up in the water. There is a college rep. coming this weekend so we all have to be on our best behavior.... no not reallly we know her so we will have a good time. Anna and I are introducing her to Bangor on Friday and then having some coffee with some of the other students. On Saturday we are headed over to Conwy and Llandudno which is just up the coast, she will also be attending the trip with us. Anna just got back from playing some volleyball and I was out tonight for awhile with some of the frisbee players. That's all we have for now.

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