Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All Packed...

So, I'm all packed up and ready to head out tomorrow. Everything fits in my two bags and space was not the issue, it was just making sure that each bag weighed less than 50 pounds. I think Derek was dealing with the same sorta thing. I really hope that I have everything I will need! If not, I'm sure I will be able to find things while I'm in Wales. I just have that feeling like I'm forgetting something major so I'm constantly trying to think through things but nothing ever comes to mind. Also trying to make sure everything is done enough here at the house that I can leave, making sure the rents know where everything is for taxes and all that good stuff.
Had dinner with mom, dad, and Gma Lu tonight. Some good laughs and such. It is really starting to hit that I won't be seeing people until June. So as much as I loved being with them, at the same time I just want to leave so that I'm not here thinking about how long it is until the next time I will see them. This includes friends as well, not just the family. In fact, I think I'm more sad about leaving all my friends than I am my family because I will see most everyone in the family in June when I get back where as I left my friends in December and won't see them until next August.
Anyhooter, other than that, I'm more than ready to just get going. I'm totally excited to see new things and new places! I've wanted to study abroad ever since Adam went to Germany, so here I am, all packed and as ready as I ever will be. Trying to get rid of the pre-trip jitters before I head off for my last night in my bed.
Next time you hear from us, we will be in WALES!!!!!

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