Sunday, March 16, 2008

And They're Off.....

We headed out for Ireland on Saturday morning. This is/was the beginning of a three and half week adventure. The past week has been really busy getting ready for spring break and trying to finish off papers and assignments. Last week I had a friend from Central, Stuart Patterson, staying with me. We had a chance to check things out around Bangor and chill since he was on his spring break. After arriving in Dublin we traveled across Ireland almost all day arriving in Galway shortly after 7 pm. It was a rainy day nasty day. The guys went out to several pubs and then to a club. On Sunday we went to the Aran Islands. It was a good day it didn't rain however it was a little chilly. We had to ride bikes to see most of the island. We were all tired but after cooked we still went out for awhile to a local pub. The big day is tomorrow however when we be attending St. Patrick's Day. There is a huge parade bigger than Dublin's from what I have heard. It should be a good time but there isn't a whole lot to considering it is a holiday and everything is shut down and the city is extremely packed with people. The weather is looking to be alright for the day so that is good. Tuesday morning we will travel back to Dublin for two days and then back to Bangor for a week. We will check in again some time maybe when we are in Dublin. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

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