Saturday, March 22, 2008

Luck of the Irish

Well I guess it didn't rub off on us. We have been doing laundry and sorting out plans for the rest of spring break since our return. We have come to find out that one of our flights has been changed/canceled. They didn't actually tell us about it but we found from someone else that is traveling with us who did receive and email. We checked the website and our flight doesn't exist. I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone. All the offices are closed and the people are out for Easter and I ended up calling people in America about and they said they can't do anything because it was booked online so I have to contact the internet booking office by email... which has been unsuccessful so far. I was also supposed to pick up my dad at the Manchester airport this morning however his flight in Detroit got canceled due to the weather. Now he will be arriving at 6.30 am our time Sunday morning. I haven't figured out what we are going to do yet. Anna was sick all last night throwing up and so she has been resting. She is feeling better though. The weather hasn't been cooperating much either it has been extremely windy and raining off and on since we got back. So it has been a long day so far for us and family back home as well. Not quite how we wanted to start off Spring break. It will work out I'm sure and we will have a great time. We will try and post as soon as we can about the places we visit and the sweet pictures we take.

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