Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Getting Filled Up

It has been almost a week again. Not too much has gone on really. Today was warm and cloudy but no rain. It has been raining off and on for the past few days however Sunday the sun was out but it was a little chilly. We have been going to several churches through Bangor, Hope Church(pentecostal church start), Penrallt Baptist, Ebenezer Evangelical, Assembly of God Pentecostal Church, Bangor Community (Rivers of Life a Spanish denomination). They have all been good and it has been hard to get a consistent schedule because our weekends aren't very regular. We have been warmly welcomed at each. In fact almost at every church we have attended we have gotten a free meal out of, quite unplanned of course ;) For example the past two weeks we have gone to church and there were meals afterwards. Two weeks ago it was soup and potatoes at the Pentecostal church and then this past week we had a free meal at the Baptist church, this was our second free meal there and we had no idea until they announced it during the service. We have no plans for this Sunday yet, so we will have to see what happens. Last night I cooked fried chicken and had mashed potatoes and corn. Then tonight we had a really good pasta/chicken casserole that Anna made. Don't get too many assumptions we don't eat like that every night. The truth is I have Tuesdays off and Anna has most Wednesdays off so we make two fairly good sized meals and then we eat leftovers at night and sandwiches for lunch most of the time. Tomorrow we are going canoeing probably in the Menai Strait however it is the Equinox tide tomorrow so it could be too high and rough for us to go there. We may have to find a lake. The Saturday we are going to Harlech Castle, Portmeirion, Beddgelert, and Llanberis Pass. It should be a good day, as long as we have no rain. There is just a little over a week left before we start Easter Break! We are all ready to be off and traveling I think, thats why we are here isn't it? just kidding it is for the education of course.

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