This past week wasn't all that bad weather wise except for the days that we needed to be out in it, of course. For outdoor pursuits on Thursday, we went canoeing in the Menai Strait. It is quite a bit different than canoeing in the Iowa lakes or rivers, or even the Boundary Waters. Not only did we have to deal with the strong winds, we had a tide like none other to pay attention to. Since it is around daylight savings, this past week was the equinox tide, which is one of the highest tides of the year. We were able to get out on the water with no problem and practice all the basic canoeing techniques but once we were headed up the strait, it was windy enough and rough enough waters that we tied two canoes together to make a stronger boat. This helped a ton! We only went up the strait a small ways because of the rough water and wanted to make sure we had enough time to get back. My group had lunch on an island and built a small fire in which we roasted some marshmallows. No chocolate or graham crackers though. Derek's group just ate and made a fire along the shore a short way back from where my group stopped. When we pulled our canoes up on shore to eat lunch, we tied the ends of the canoes together so two of the canoes were still completely in water. When we were done and ready to head back out, there was dry land about 15-20 feel behind out canoes. That gives you a bit of an idea of how fast the tide was moving. From the time when we left in the morning to when we got out, the tide had probably dropped a good 15 feet at least. To head back towards where the trailers were, we untied the canoes because the wind was at our backs so it would be a bit easier going. The very last thing my group tried was to have both people in the canoe sit in the middle of the canoe, facing each other so their backs were against the sides of the canoes. Then tucking our toes under the lip of the canoe on the other side, we both tired to lean all the way out so that our heads touched the water. There were a couple of pairs that were able to do it but unfortunately I was paired up with a guy that probably weighs at least 210. We were able to get leaned back but even when I was almost completely leaned back, he was still basically sitting in the boat. Needless to say, we both ended up in the water... It wasn't that deep but of course it was cold! It was a fun end to a good day though!
Then on Saturday, we had another field trip with the Central group. We went to Harlech castle, the town of Portmeirion, and the dog grave, Beddgelert. The castle was nice but it was so windy you didn't want to stay out on the top walk ways or in the towers very long. When this castle was built it was built on a cliff that was in the water. Since then, the water has completely receded about two miles so it stands alone but it was still impressive. Portmeirion is a town that was built to prove that towns could be built in junction with the land and that you didn't need to destroy the natural beauty of it. The architect that built it also wanted to bring in bright colors and interesting designs. If you look at the pictures, you will be a bit of an idea of what this means! This site also has some amazing plants and vegetation considering that it is on the coast of the UK. It makes it seem like it should be much closer to the equator. It would have been much nicer to go on a sunny day but it was still nothing like I have ever seen! Beddgelert is basically a couple of rocks in the middle of a field that is supposedly the grave of a dog that saved a child. We also stopped at a wood carvers shop in this town which had some amazing art. Grandpa Calvin would have been impressed! Of course, when we got back to Bangor, the sun came out and it turned out to be a nice evening. Thats the way it is here.
This next week is going to be a busy one as we are trying to get things done before we head off for spring break. Lots of papers, finalizing plans, and we have another student from Central, who is studying in Leiden, coming to visit!!! Not sure how much internet access we will have during spring break but we will try to update you as often as possible as we will be seeing lots of new things!
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