Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mountain Walking

First off I should apologize about that last post when I was adding pictures and moving them around it jumbled up the text so it probably didn't make sense, but it has been corrected. Today we did get to go mountain walking for outdoor pursuits. The weather was really good today, not too warm and a little windy but manageable. It clouded up this evening as we were leaving. Mountain walking isn't a leisurely stroll, it's actually a lot of climbing. Both of our groups went up the top but we went different routes. At the top there is are two rocks named Adam and Eve, but before we got to the top there is a rock called the cannon that sticks up and out. It was physically challenging and I think that we are all tired in some form or another tonight. We will be putting the pictures up shortly and relaxing the rest of the evening. After we finalize our plans for spring break and the rest of the semester.

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